Sus Politics

This project I decided to fit together two words that should have no place being together and see what I could create from that. So in this case I used the slang word "Sus", sprouted from the community of the hit game Among Us, the term is a shortened verision of suspicious, used when the person in the game who is the bad guy is acting in a odd way. I then decided to pair it with a more serious word such as "politics", this word isn't a joke or slang. But putting the two together creates an interesting phrase that can be represented many ways. 


This was my first draft, I looked at political leaders campain signs and posters to come up with something similar. The red, white and blue colors, the stars, and the stripes representing our US flag. 

The blood coming from the Sus is a symbol that when politicians are "suspicious" people get hurt. Things are damaged. Blood is spilled. I very raw take on todays current political climate but one none-the-less that is relevant.

This was one of the more themed designs I did. I tried to make the poster look more like something of propaganda. Something you'd see covering brick walls around D.C. 

I compiled this in photoshop using cutouts of Images. 

In this poster specifically I chose to focus on the "suspicious" part of politics and government that likes to watch us. Security cameras everywhere. The black box on our faces to cover up identity from facial scanning, but dashed with a bit of irony because it's the Statue of Liberty. 

Sure this can be streched into the rehlm of conspericy, maybe there's a microship implated in the statues arm? Who knows? It's all a play on the words "Sus Politics".


This last poster I wanted to impliment characters from the game the word "sus" comes from. The little characters you see are from the game "Among Us" you play as these little crewmates trying to figure out which one among you is actually an alien, like right of the movie "The Thing". 

But I wanted to put them into more serious context so I designed this government courtroom in Illustrator and placed the characters in the enviroment to show the sillyness of it all. 

They are colored specifically to show the left and the right winged parties throwing accusations at each other, accusing them of being "sus" and trying to get them out of power. Funny how these pieces are almost putting themselves together. 

Copyright ©2022 Jordan Klett. All Rights Reserved.